Playlist: unknown artists

01 abril 2020

  1. Victoria - KHAi
  2. i try to smile - thien
  3. U - Jhnovr
  4. Gone - Lijah Lu
  5. Don't Touch Me - Mel
  6. enough -  Long Drive, Jung Ji Woo, Kim Seung Min
  7. Thursday Afternoon - Steven Vu
  8. What For - Archie Faulks
  9. thinking 2 much - Jeremy Zucker 
  10. You Are The Right One - Sports
  11. So bad, So bad - Nick Mendes
  12. Sometimes - Kodaline
  13. Alone With You - Lolo Zouai
  14. Friend - Gracie Abrams
  15. Numb - Lucy Cloud
  16. I'd Do It Again - Violette Wautier
  17. Green Tea & Honey - Dane Amar, Jereena Montemayor
  18. lisbon - tigerlily
  19. I Like U - Jereena Montemayor
  20. Call Me - Emily Sie
Link da playlist no spotify e no youtube.
Ps. Algumas músicas não estão disponíveis no youtube.

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