Playlist | a story in songs

07 agosto 2022

story about a long distance love and letting go to find yourself, a random playlist, just enjoy it!
uma história de amor a distância e deixar ir para se encontrar, apenas uma playlist aleatória que criei :P aproveita!

  1. Wings - So!YoON!, Phum Viphurit
  2. Gostasse, Mô? - Chapéu de Palha, Beatriz Procópio
  3. 7PM - Lilacs, Lizzy McAlpine
  4. Summer Cologne - Kelsey Kuan
  5. I Wish You Love - Laufey
  6. more than you know - HOAX
  7. Don't Dream It's Over - OCTAVIO the Dweeb
  8. I was wrong - LambC
  9. Cheerios & Chocolate milk - Theo Kandel
  10. Rose - Jereena Montemayor
  11. For Real - Lana Condor
  12. Eugene - Path

Link da playlist no spotify e no youtube

My Hidden Track

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